Directions to Candlestick Point

Going to Candlestick Point

1. Set your GPS for Gilman Ave & Hunters Point Expressway (Candlestick Point is nearby).    2. Once there, keep going down Gilman SE towards Candlestick.   3. You will know you are going the  right direction if you see:  Bret Harte Elementary Gilman Playground RV Park   4. You will turn left onto a gravel road at a sign that makes it seem like you are going to be murdered (see below). This is the intersection of Gilman Ave & Hunters Point Expressway (which is closed).
Candlestick Point is California’s first urban park and it is beautiful!  It contains several picnic areas. There are no reservations, so we are arriving early at our favorite spot. We are calling that "Spot 1."  If it's not available, we will be at Spot 2 or 3. The entire park is not very large, so each spot is about five minutes from the parking area.  The area around Candlestick Point can be disquieting. You will see illegally parked cars, junk, and trash on the way there. 

Murder turn


Going to the Picnic Area

1. From the parking lot, go to the left of the brown building with a large mural on it, onto the paved path.   2. Keep walking down the paved path for about five minutes. You will see a pier in the distance with folks fishing. Continue walking towards the pier.   3. The picnic area is in the center of the point. We will place a few signs directing you on poles or trees. 
Here is a 3 minute video of the walk to the picnic area.